最新優惠 — 我100分最新動向

2023 Summer Sale

Pubblicato da Kwok Kuen Shih il

2023 Summer Sale

2023開倉清貨大減價18/7-31/8 1) 陳列室現貨買一送一;陳列產品一折**。2) 網上設立買一送一*專區,讓你可足不出戶參與減價活動。3) 所有於陳列室購物的客戶,只需LIKE & FOLLOW ME100FUN Facebook專頁,便可免費獲得禮物一份。4) VIP會員於陳列室購物滿$100便可獲免費禮物,過百款禮物任揀,多買多送!如同一時段人數過多,可能需要安排在門外等待,你亦可預早一天WhatsApp至96652733預約到訪時段。*買一送一活動與網店同步進行,詳情可到專區瀏覽:https://www.me100fun.com.hk/collections/buy-one-get-one-free, 貨品詳情以網頁為準。**優惠只限陳列室指定現貨,不包括預訂產品。過千款產品任你選,減價期間不設留貨,詳情請與陳列室職員查詢。☑付款方法:現金,PAYME,WECHAT,轉數快,ALIPAY☑我們的地址: 葵涌葵昌路58-70號永祥工業大廈14樓B8室 (葵興地鐡站對面)☑開倉減價期間之營業時間:星期一至五10:00-18:30 (星期六日及公眾假期休息)☎詳情請致電:29740008或WHATSAPP至 96652733#立即追蹤我們的FACEBOOK專頁,搶先看我們的動態消息,搶購熱賣開倉貨品。 2023 Summer Sale 18/7-31/8 1) Buy one get one free in the showroom; 90% off on display products**.2) We have a buy one get one free* categories online , so that you can participate in price reduction activities without leaving your home.3) All customers who shop at the showroom, just LIKE & FOLLOW ME100FUN Facebook page, can get a gift for free.4) VIP members can get a free gift when they spend $100 or more in the showroom. There are hundreds of gifts to choose...

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Pubblicato da Mei Mei Shih il



由於疫情仍然嚴峻, 今年ME100FUN益智玩具開倉,推出網上及陳列室同步清貨大減價! 大量貨品低至$1,即睇有哪些抵買貨品! <按上圖觀看內文>

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